Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Natural soap versus Commercial Soap – The debate continues

People all around the world have been using commercial soaps for a number of years now. A significant number of people reported rashes and other skin related problems due to prolonged use of certain commercial soaps. This led to the need to find other alternatives that could cleanse the body and skin without causing any skin problems.

This is when the concept of natural soap came into play. Unlike in the case of commercial soap that is manufactured in large quantities in big factories, natural soap is generally handmade and can be prepared at home as well. While commercial soaps use certain artificial ingredients and fragrances without giving much thought to its effect on the skin, natural soap uses on natural ingredients that have proven to be soothing for all types of skin. Hence, this type of soap is highly recommended for people with sensitive skin.

Certain studies conducted in recent times reveal that certain ingredients used in commercial soaps have the potential to cause cancer. However, when you use natural soaps that are made only of organic products, you can bid goodbye to such risks. Though the cost of natural soaps is slightly higher than that of most commercial soaps, the health benefits that come with it are worth every dollar you spend on buying them.

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